Monday, April 26, 2010

What is this shit

Seasons change, people grow.
But every day looks just like the last one, and I keep trying to remember what makes you different than before.

I think truth looks something like this. I think it also relates to the thousand Facebook groups entitled "Middle School Emotion That For Some Reason I Still Think Is Important."

There's a lyric that goes "Nothing ever happens." Actually, the full lyric is "Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens." We work so hard all the time to ensure that nothing happens--we graduate, we plan things, we go to school, we study hard, all to ensure that nothing bad happens. We take all the safeguards, yeah we do. Nevertheless, things do happen. But they're not really what happen. Because yeah, there's some singular event that breaks up monotonity and throws you into a twist. Yet that's not what gets us the most, is it? It's all about what happens after something happened. The fallout hurts so much more than the blast, and perhaps it's this that we're trying to safeguard ourselves against. "I don't want things to change because then I'll have to deal with change, and I don't like that." It sounds crazy when you say it like that, but I see myself falling into this trap all the time. It's incredibly painful to consider some fundamental change in my life. But would it be so bad? If Heaven's the place where nothing happens, then hell is where everything happens. Don't want to go to hell, so things must stay the same. Heaven shouldn't be the ideal though, because stagnation is perhaps even worse than all this.

Which is to say...

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot based on the opinion of David Byrne. Still, it is a pleasure to read you once more.
